Sunday, December 14, 2014 - Click this link to Get A Limited 31%... - Click this link to Get A Limited 31% discount on the Bowblade. Hurry, this offer ends in 5 Days! Transform your smartphone into a badass exercise tool with the BowBlade! Playing games on your phone is sick. It’s hard to beat a rainy afternoon spent slaying hordes of zombies on the small-screen. But after awhile, sitting on the couch holding onto your phone can cramp your hands, not to mention your style. If you want to take your gaming experience to the next level, you probably want to pick up a BowBlade. The BowBlade is an interactive archery simulator for your smartphone. It was designed to look and feel like an actual bow, but get this; it has a universal phone holster and taps into your phone’s built in gyroscope/accelerometer to add realistic aiming and firing action to first-person shooters. The BowBlade can currently pair with 80+ first-person shooter apps to give you the physically stimulating experience of shooting a bow. Not only does this add a fun new dimension to the game, but it also strengthens your upper body (especially postural muscles) and helps to improve hand eye coordination. WHY YOU’LL LOVE IT The BowBlade is a ton of fun, but it also serves the functional purpose of helping you to exercise. The resistive movement required to operate the bow will help you to develop increased strength and muscle mass, achieve better posture and improve your footwork (yes that’s right, some of the more advanced games that feature 3D environments will require some fancy footwork). by Alphazen Zotero

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